Monday, December 23, 2013

Holiday cheer...

Happy Holiday to everyone.  Adding my list of great things I bought myself this year for being such a good girl! lol

Lost of information and great reading.  Now I just need to get the other 57 books on my wish list!

Marriage register, Albert County, New Brunswick, 1846-1887 by Ken Kanner and V.Bing Geldart

Cemeteries of Albert County, New Brunswick by David F. Christopher

Hélène's World: Hélène Desportes of Seventeenth-Century Quebec by Susan McNelley  (about 11th great grandmother)

Welsh Genealogy by Bruce Durie

New Brunswick's Early Roads: The Routes that Shaped the Province (Images of Our Past) by Ronald Rees

The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney, 1887-1890 by Tappan Adney  (great story!!)

Upgraded my genealogy software to Legacy 8.  Still working on the new additions to the program.  Over all like the updates

The only thing I have purchased that did not quite live up to all the reviews was the Flip Pal Scanner.  It is a great idea and very useful in some cases but I took it along with me for an archive visit and found it very hard to use in books that do not open and lay flat.  It was easier to use their copier than to scan on most of the larger books.  I did find it helpful for scanning small pictures, it was much easier than my table top scanner.

Hope you have added great things to your research arsenals this year !!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

When it all falls apart...

I have not written any blogs lately because there was not much new to write about.  I wanted to use this Blog for updates and adding more information that you would see on my Rootsweb site.

I have spent the whole summer re-sourcing my direct lines.  Just like starting over from scratch and going back through each person.  I have found so many new records and even old records that I some how miss along the way.

Last week I was spending time on my GGG grandparents Mariner A. Price and his wife Mary S. Friars of New Brunswick.  As usual I typed Mariners name into the standard search places, Familysearch, Ancestry, Google and Find A Grave. There are three Mariner Prices in my tree and I have added two of them to Find A Grave myself.  It struck me as odd that a third Mariner Price popped up on Find A Grave.

Mariner W. Price
Mariner W. Price born Feb. 1837 Butternut Ridge, Kings Co, New Brunswick d. 15 Sep 1870 Helena, Arkansas.  Buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Glen Ellyn, Dupage Co, Illinois.

You know when you research a family long enough that you know everyone and where they lived.  I am like that with the descendants of Edmund Price and Jane Webb of Kings Co, New Brunswick.  They are one of my primary research groups.  There has only ever been one Mariner Price, mine!

About 19 Years ago I contacted by letter and phone one of the authors of the Descendants of Edmund and Jane Webb Price book.  He help me research out my line and he was very confident that Mariner b. 1837 and my Mariner b. 1847 were the same. This was also the information I received from many other researchers at the time.  It was thought that the census or other records maybe incorrect on my Mariners birth date.  I also have a letter from the 1920's where distant family members discuss our relation to Edmund Price and that they had been in contact with family in Kings Co to make the connection.

Sitting there for a few minutes trying to make sense of this find, it hit me, Dr. William Henry Price once lived in Dupage Co, Illinois. .  I pulled up his notes and sure enough.  The man who I had always thought was a GGG  Uncle lived in Dupage Co in 1870 per the census record.

Now I was starting to feel a little ill and if I was the type of person to who got emotional I would have cried.  Twenty-one years of research on the wrong family!

I send a note off on Facebook to a friend in British Columbia, it was midnight my time but would only be 9 pm there.  He kindly send me pages from the Price family book, so I could check my information.

At 10 am the next morning I called to find that the caretaker of the Cemetery in Glen Ellyn passed away last month at age 90 (Murphy's Law of Genealogy).  So I called the local funeral home and a very kind man offered to contact the family to see if any of the records from 1870 still exist.  All I needed was who owned the plot or if anyone else was buried with Mariner W.  They said it might be a while so I am still waiting.

Racking my brain for available records in New Brunswick from that time period I realized that there still was a chance I belonged to the Edmund Price Group.  It is a very large family and my Mariner A. could still be a descendant.

Going through ever record source I could think of online and then remembered that the County Deed books for New Brunswick are on Familysearch.  They are not indexed but fairly easy to use.
with in minutes I located a land sale from Mariner A. Price to Nathan Stiles, for the land of the diseased Elijah Price.

Now I was back to feeling ill, my husband said he could hear me talking to myself and lots of colorful words would trail down the stairs on occasion!

What I failed to mention earlier is that I always believe I have two Price ancestries.  Edmund Price and that of William Price (see previous blog).  Because of this I know exactly who Elijah Price was, he was the brother of my ancestor William Price, Jr.  With a little more searching I found all of Nathan Stiles land transactions in Kings Co, New Brunswick.  Oh, did I mention that Nathan Stiles was the 2nd husband of Sarah Ann Abrams/Abraham?  Sarah Ann was the first wife of Elijah Price...

The document shows Nathan Stiles Land Deed in Kings Co, NB
The reason this makes Mariner A Price is part of the Descendants of William Price and Sarah (Sally) Mason is the other names listed in the sales.
1.  John Friars, husband of Elizabeth Jane Price, Known daughter
2. Mariner Price
3. Joseph Price, Known son listed as Heir on documents and from death record
4. John E. Coates, husband of Sarah Ann Price, Known daughter
5. Hannah Price, Known daughter per death record.

I have done extensive research on the family of Elijah Price and Sarah Ann Abrams Price.  I sometimes get very attached to families and research them either because no one else has or they were somehow separated in life and I try to bring them back together again.   Elijah died very young and it seems the young widow Sarah remarried Nathan Stiles by 1859, all of her children were with other families or working as servants in 1861.  I have not been able to located my Mariner in 1861 so far.  Only one child was raised by a family member, Hannah Price was raised by her Aunt Hannah Price Bell and is with her in 1861 Kent Co, New Brunswick.  I knew ther might be missing more children but never would have guest it was my ancestor that was missing.

In 1870 Mariner A, his wife Mary Friars and children are in Tuscola Co, Michigan, next door to John Friars and his wife Elizabeth Price who has brother Joseph Price living with them.  I always thought the family was together because John Friars and Mary Friars were siblings.  Now I know it was also because Mariner, Elizabeth and Joseph were siblings as well.  It is so mixed up. lol!

In the end I have put this forward for review.  Feel free to re-research my findings and make your on conclusion.  I have given the new information to the Descendants of Edmund and Jane and passed it to researchers of William Price and Sarah Mason.  I will be e-mail people with Mariner on Rootsweb and a select few on Ancestry.  It will take years to update the information and with the way works it may never be totally fixed but I can try.

Please feel free to contact me about this on going project.  I will continue to research the ancestry of Edmund Price and Jane Webb, with over 20,000 descendants in my database I will adopt the family as mine and keep up the search.

Wish me luck,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Where is the 1921 Canadian Census...Part Deux

Still nothing but a quick note from the LAC (Library and Archives Canada) on June 4th saying the Census will be released in a few weeks.

Below is an excerpt from Elizabeth LaPointe's blog posted 17 June 2013

"A reliable source from the LAC has just phoned me to ask that I inform my readers, genealogists, and others interested in their Canadian families, that the 1921 Canadian Census has already been digitized, and has been ready for release since last Wednesday, 12 June, but it is being held back by the federal government before it is released."

Myself and others have been sending e-mails, Facebook posts and still nothing.  There are a few things you can do.  As genealogists and Family Historians, even if you are not Canadian, please contact James Moore and sign the petition below started by Bill Robinson.

Feel free to pass the petition along to other groups and lets get this census available to the public.

Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages

The Hon. James Moore

His E-mail

Petition: (You do not need to be Canadian to sign)

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Facebook Genealogy Pages....

Most of the areas I research have pages on Facebook.  I admin several pages for family and genealogy research in Maine and Canada.  Someone asked on a page what groups we belonged to and as I was adding my long listed of FB groups I found there were two I really wanted to see, so, I created them.

Westmorland County, New Brunswick Genealogy

Albert County, New Brunswick Genealogy

I have such deep roots in both counties and I hope with these pages they will connect people researching their families.

Please feel free to join and add your family research or who you are looking for.

Take Care,


Monday, June 3, 2013

Where is the 1921 Canadian Census???

On June 1st 2013 the Library and Archives of Canada (LAC) was to release the 1921 Canadian Census.  Like many of you I have been waiting 10 years to see this information.  Unlike the 1940 United States Census there was no big count down, no television coverage and no information.  I found a note that shows that Statistics Canada release the information in January 2013 to the LAC.  The LAC has been contacted by  E-mail and Facebook and have not responded to any of the questions.  I would just like an update!

Where is the Census?  Why wont they update anyone?  What is with the silence???

I am not a Canadian citizen, my brother and I are the only U.S. citizen in my Maternal line.    So I do not have access to local information or government sources.

The last information found is from a blog dated Mar 27, 2012 .  This states they will get the census to the public  " as soon as possible after that date"   Does this mean days, months, years until they have to update us?

Now almost 4 days past the release date I did the only thing I could think of and sent a e-mail to the Prime Minister of Canada .  Now, I do not hold great hope that I will get any useful information but maybe if enough of us do it there will be a response to what is going on.


Prime Minister of Canada -

Let hope that the LAC and the Canadian Government realize how badly this makes them look in the eyes of the very large genealogy community.  

Okay vent over...On a Happy note...  I have finished the updated on the Descendants of Elisha Steeves and Delilah Smith!  Still working on Price/Hovey updating (and will be forever!) Now working on some Autosomal DNA connections which I am finding very interesting.  

Take care

Monday, April 1, 2013

Help me find this Soldiers family...

 I am looking for help finding who this young soldier (Left) is and to what family he belongs.  The two picture were given to me years ago with the information that both pictures were George H. Leaman of Turtle Creek, Albert Co, New Brunswick.  I have had many people look at them over the years and I believe George (Right) and the picture Left are not the same person.

This young man (Left) is most likely part of the Price family of Westmorland Co, New Brunswick or the Leaman/Leeman family of Albert Co, New Brunswick.  He is in a Canada uniform from the World War One era.  

The picture on the right is Driver George Herbert Leaman b. 14 Jul 1892 in Turtle Creek, Albert Co, New Brunswick and was killed in action 8 Nov 1916 near Courcelette, Somme, Picardie, France.  George was my Great Great Uncle.  I will be doing a full piece on him in the near future.

I do not believe that one is a younger version as George has dark hair and eyes and the young soldier on the left has light hair and light eyes. However the ears and lips are almost the same.

I would love for everyone to compare the two photo and let me know what you think.  

Looking froward to hearing your opinion, 


Military Monday

Thursday, March 21, 2013

One Big Circle Updates...Ireland, Scotland and Pennsylvania

The last few weeks have been amazing!!  

First I want to thank everyone from Geneabloggers for their kind support and the comments they sent.  If you have not checked out the great blogs at this site please do!! 

I am always willing to learn so I started looking for free Webinars online.  Legacy Genealogy program offers webinars at .  Some are paid but they normally will have them free for a week. users you can go to to see all their webinars for free. You can also search Youtube  and Cindy's list and find many great ones there as well.  After some searching I found what I was looking for Ireland and Scotland research.  

A few weeks ago I blogged about my Great Grandmother Annie Flynn.  I took the time to write down what I knew and what I didn't.  The didn't knows way out numbered the knows, so, I spent a few hours watching genealogist who research in the areas I want to become more knowledgeable.  

One of the great tips was that the birth dates on United States or Canadian records can vary greatly from Ireland because of a law in place to make people register the birth with in a short period of time.  Poor farmers could not go to town to report a birth so they would have the child baptized, which would give one date, then they would change the date of birth so the government would not be fined for not reporting the child's birth earlier.  I am pretty flexible when it comes to dates.  If some one is born in 1865 I will always search other dates just in case but I was unsure how off it would be in Ireland. I now know it can be off by up to 6 or 7 years between what we know in U.S census records and the original documents in Ireland.   

I visited before but really did not have enough information to use a paid site to research my Flynn's.  I didn't have high hopes of finding anything but to my surprise I found the marriage records for Richard Flynn and Bridget Butler, Annie's parents.  It had their fathers names and birth locations and with that I found both of their birth records (Richard was born in 1859 not 1865 and Bridget 1865 ipo 1867).  Richard's father Richard Flynn was born in a Workhouse in Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary, Ireland.  Not the nicest places to be born!.  Then to top it all off I even found one of the parents marriage records.  After a small (Okay, really big) happy dance across my living room!!  I have updated the records on my site with the new information.

Since it was just before St. Patrick's day and I had such good luck I decided to tackle a few more Irish names.

I started researching Elliott family of Schuylkill Co, Pennsylvania a little over 10 years ago.  I knew they lived in and around Pottsville and that a story had been passed down that 3 brothers (Isn't it always 3 brothers, never 4 or 2 lol!) had been kicked out of Ireland and had fled to Scotland.  At some point the family immigrated to Pennsylvania.  

Armed with the new information from a Webinars on Irish immigrants in Scotland I began looking for Irish Elliott's living in Scotland in 1851.  I knew by now that the immigrant ancestors Patrick Elliott and his wife Sarah Mulholland were married in Barony, Lancastershire, Scotland in 1845 and had one daughter in Scotland Mary in 1847.  It took a few searches but there was Patrick Elliot, the only one in the area and his parents Arthur and Sarah.  Next I search for Sarah Mulholland, I knew her parents immigrated to Pennsylvania, they are in the 1861 census living next door to her.  Andrew and his wife Mary were found in the same town in 1841 and 1851 as the Elliott's.  It seems Patrick and his wife immigrated 10 years before her parents.  

So updates this week to Flynn, Dunne, Bulter, Tobin, Elliott, Mulholland, Fallon, Burns, Correll and connecting lines.  Also large update on Anthony family of Hants Co, Nova Scotia.

Good free Irish things:

Amazing site on Workhouses, not searchable but very educational for all of the UK

1st of a 4 part Free article from Irish Roots Magazine.

Cemetery Transcription of Ireland

National Archives of Ireland

All I can do is recommend, no matter how much you think you know, there is always room to learn...

Wondering why there is almost a foot of snow in Maine when it is suppose to be spring, Oh yeah, because its Maine!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Hunt for Joshua J. Virgie's Children...

Joshua J. Virgie was born 11 Dec 1798 in Nova Scotia, the son of John Vergee and Sarah Etter.  You can find variances of the surname as Vergie, Virgee, Vergee, Virgy, and Verge just to name a few.  It is a very uncommon name and this family is the only one known to live in New Brunswick with the Surname.

When I first started researching my forth great grandfather I found a family tree on file with the LDS that showed his name as possible John and wife's name as Jane and a list of 11 children.  There was a note stating that Jane may have also been the wife of William Hayward.

After several trips to the Provincial Archives in New Brunswick and finding very little on the family I decided that the only way to find more was to go to Curryville, New Brunswick.  After a very long drive I arrived to find a small town with a few houses, a church and a cemetery. Curryville is on the eastern edge of Albert County near Hopewell.  I did not have to walk far into the neatly kept grounds of the church yard to find the Virgie graves and the grave of William Hayward and his wife Jane situated next to one another.

Joshua J. Virgie and Cynthia Smith

William Hayward, Jr and Jane

The graves were not easy to read but I copied and photographed what I could and then called the number posted on the church to see if someone could help with records for the town.  I spoke to a nice man who said someone took the records home years ago and no one has seen them since.  Well that was a new one, usually it is that the Church or Town Hall burnt years ago.  The man knew the graves but said he never knew any Virgie's or Hayward's in the area.

With a day to spare before I had to head home I drove back to the Archives in Fredericton, New Brunswick about a 3 hour trip from Curryville.  This time I finally got lucky and came across the will of William Hayward, Jr.

William Hayward, Jr born 1777 most likely in Ireland was the son of Henry Hayward and Isabella Griffin, he died in Apr of 1849 in Hopewell, Albert Co, New Brunswick. He married Jane, she died in 1847, both are buried in the Curryville Cemetery.  No children have ever been found for this couple and it is believed they never had any.

In William's will Proved Jun 1849 He list 7 of the Virgie children, Rosannah, William, Sarah, John, Benjamin Etter, Lucinda Malisa and Mary Jane.  He does not list a relationship to the children as he does others in the will. Their inheritance is as follows (spelling is a transcribed):

  • "To Rosannah Virgie All my household furniture together with any clock and thirty pounds currance out of my real estate said thirty pounds to be paid by installments yearly five pounds in year intuil the whole thirty pounds shall be paid with Interest for the same after the sale of said land"
  • "To William Henry Virgie the sum of five pounds on the day he may arrives at the age of twenty one years."
  • "To Sarah Virgie to give and bequeath any bed and bed stead and stand table and one two year old heifer said therfor to be delivered unto her the said Sarah Virgie at the age of eighteen....Sarah Virgie before named shall have three pounds to be at interest same as the others for the purpose of purchasing said two year old heifer."
  • "John Virgie one pair of two year old steers and one two year old Heifer, the sum to be delivered to him at his demand where he may achieve at the full age of twenty one, or in other words the sum of the pounds provided the steers and the heifer cannon be procured."
  • "To Lucinda Malisa Virgie the sum of three pounds to be put to interest for her twelve month after my deceased and to be paid when she shall be of the age of eighteen years"
  • "To Benjamin Etter Virgie, the sum of five pounds and one years schooling Enclussion of board."
  • "To Mary Jane Virgie Two years schooling to be paid for also the sum of three pounds to draw interest several months after my decease and to be paid unto her by my executors when she may be at the age of eighteen years...and to Mary Jane Virgie before married the further sum of three pounds and the same to draw interest same as the others three pounds."

What I found odd about the will was that I believe Joshua Virgie had an older daughter Rhoda b. 1823 who is not listed and at the time of the Will had another child that had been born in 1846.  Now I had to figure out why they were left out.

In the 1851 Albert Co Census all of the older children with exception of Benjamin Etter Virgie were living with other families. 

  • Rhoda is married and living with husband in Albert Co, New Brunswick 
  • Rosannah has never been found in the 1851 census in New Brunswick
  • William is living with Daniel Clark and his wife Cynthia as an Apprentice Joiner
  • Sarah is living with her grandmother Sarah Clark Wright but listed as a Lodger.
  • John Verge is living with William Wright as a Lodger, his Uncle.
  • Lucinda Malisa is living with Winkworth and Elizabeth Wright Brewster, her aunt.
  • Mary Jane is listed as Mary Wright and living with Uncle James and wife Margaret Featherby Wright, listed as a lodger.

Children at home with Joshua and Cynthia were:
Benjamin, Alonzo, Dorcus, Alexander (Wilford)

Next I found the will of Alonzo George Virgie, son of Joshua, He was a wealthy Sea Captain. His Will lists the children of his sister Lucinda Virgie Pye as well as his sister Dorcas Virgie Archibald and children of his brother Wilford.  He also list a cousin Chipman Smith.

So now I have William Hayward, his wife Jane and Chipman Smith that are somehow connected to this group.  But how?

After a few more years of research it has all come together thanks to a few death cerficiates:

Joshua J. Virgie b. 11 dec 1798 in Nova Scotia d. 13 Dec 1880 in Hopewell Parish, Albert Co, New Brunswick and is buried in the Curryville Cemetery.  The family seemed to be poor and made living as farmers.  
Most research have always assumed that Lucinda and Cynthia were the same person but finding the death certificates of the younger children in the family I was able to break them into how they are listed below.

Joshua married at least two times but most likely three:

* Unknown wife:
<1> Rhoda Virgie b. abt 1823 New Brunswick died before 1881.  She married first James Fales b. 1815 Nova Scotia  on 7 Nov 1843 in Hopewell Parish.  This couple had 6 children Benjamin, William, Mary Ann, Charlotte Elizabeth, John Shenton and Isabella Rebecca Fales.
After her husbands death in 17 jun 1864 she married Robert Blinkin Hoar (don't you love that name!) on 24 Nov 1874 and died between 1874 and 1880.  On a side note Robert was the widower of my 4 great grandmother Martha Rogers (her 2nd marriage, his first) and he was 1st cousin to her first husband John Hoar.

* Lucinda Wright b. abt 1806 d. abt 1845 No grave found. She married Joshua on 14 Aug 1828 in Hopewell, Albert Co, New Brunswick. Lucinda was the daughter of William Wright and Sarah Clark.

<2> Rosannah Virgie, b. 3 Feb 1829 at Hopewell Hill, Albert Co, New Brunswick d. 30 Sep 1911 at Hopewell Hill.  She married David Oliver Woodworth on 15 Dec 1853 at Hopewell.
Their children, Lucy Jane (my GG grandmother), Daniel Obed, Albert W, Lena Pauline, Edgar James and Fredrick W. Woodworth

John Hoar, Lucy Woodworth Hoar, Weston Arrol Hoar (child) and Elmer Stiles Hoar on their farm on the Salisbury Rd, Moncton, New Brunswick c.1924

<3> William Henry Virgie b. 3 Apr 1832 Hopewell, Albert Co, New Brunswick d. 17 Jan 1913 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co, West Virginia.  Known as W.H., He was an Civil Engineer and Bridge Contractor.  
He married twice, first to Charlotte Bishop on 15 dec 1853 in Coverdale, Albert Co, New Brunswick.  Charlotte and their unnamed first born son died in childbirth 12 Feb 1856, they are buried at the Old Shepody Cemetery.
Second he married Sarah Frances Vickery b. 6 Aug 1844 in Nova Scotia . They had 3 children Guy Morse (died at age 8), William Blair and Alice Whitmore Virgie.

Excerpts from From the diary of Anna Eliza Rogers (Gallagher/Moore) of Albert Co, New Brunswick:

  • 12 Feb 1856; Rain.  Mrs. William Vergie (Charlotte Bishop) died at the Cape.  They have been married one year.
  • 28 Nov 1858 Sunday, Snow all day but not cold.  I was to see some persons baptized, viz, William Vergie, Mrs. Miles Peck, Old Mrs. Elizha Peck and Jane Peck.
  • 12 Apr 1860 Fine. William Vergie fell off Russel's vessel where he had been working, got hurt pretty bad.
  • 24 Sep 1860, Fine. got a letter from Mary.  She says William Vergie is to be married to Sarah Vickery.  We all went to the Mechanics' fair at Fennel Hall Boston. (Anna Eliza was in Roxbury, Mass at the time)
<4> Sarah Elizabeth Virgie b. abt 1834 Alma, Albert Co, New Brunswick d. bef. 1867 married Thomas Hanson Brigham on 29 Dec 1859 in Shepody, Albert Co, New Brunswick.  Thomas was born Nov 1829 in Massachusetts.  They had one known child Arthur Ansel Brigham who resided in Rhode Island.  It is possible that a Coleman Brigham also belonged to this family but no proof yet.

<5> John Franklin Virgie b. 1837 in Demoiselle Creek, Albert Co, New Brunswick d. 23 Aug 1897 in Waterside, Albert Co, New Brunswick.  He married Martha Jane Copp on 9 Aug 1865 in Harvey, Albert Co, New Brunswick.   They had two children William Harvey Virgie who resided in Massachusetts and Fern Lucy Virgie who died 26 Apr 1908 at the age of 23, unmarried.

Date November 3 1892
County Albert
Place Albert
Newspaper The Maple Leaf

John Virgie and wife, who has been living in Boston, Mass. for some time, returned home last week.

<6> Benjamin Etter Virgie was born abt. 1840 in New Brunswick.  The 1861 (listed as just Etter) Albert Co, Census he is living with his older sister Rosannah and her husband David Woodworth.  He is listed as Sick or Infirm at the time.  No futher records or his grave have ever been found.

<7> Lucinda Malisa (Melisa) Virgie was born in 1843 and died 30 Dec 1870 both in Albert Co, New Brunswick.  She married Capt. Edward Pye of Prince Edward Island on 22 Jan 1863 in Coverdale, Albert Co, New Brunswick.  They had two children Rufus H. Pye who died 24 Aug 1877 at the age of 13.  In 1871 he is found living with Elizabeth Wright Brewster the same Aunt who his mother lived with when she was a child.
Second child was Charles Morley Pye he was born 4 Jan 1867 in Albert Co, New Brunswick.  He was the executor of his Uncle Alonzo Virgie's Will in 1922.

Date September 2 1896
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Messenger and Visitor

m. At residence of bride's father, John TINGLEY, Aug. 19th, by Rev. I.B. Colwell, Charles M. PYE, Salisbury (West. Co.) / Alice M. TINGLEY, Hopewell Cape (Albert Co.)

<8> Mary Jane Virgie was born in 1845 Albert Co, New Brunswick and died at age 30 on 20 Sep 1875 in New Brunswick.  She married 16 Oct 1865 in Albert Co, William Lovell Gunning.  Along with Rosannah, above, Mary Jane is also my GG grandmother. She and her husband William, who died at age 27, left three young orphans.  William was a Ferryman and Minister.  Their children were Annie Laura, Frank Lovell (died at age 8, one year after mothers death) and John Seymore Gunning.  Very little is known of Mary Jane and William and their graves have not been found as of yet.

                                        FUNERAL MRS. ANNIE LEAMAN
The funeral of the late Mrs. Annie L. Leaman, who died at the home of her daughter Mrs Nellie M. Hoar, Salisbury on Thursday Morning was held in Cadman's Funeral Home, Alma St. Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o' clock.
Many friends and relatives gathered to pay last parting farewell. The service was conducted by Rev. Lawrence Bone, pastor of the United Church of Canada, Salisbury, assisted by Rev. Julian Green, Pastor of the United Baptist church, Salisbury, Members of the Salisbury male chorus sang the hymns " Nearer to Thee", "Jesus Lover of my soul" and "Resting Now"
Pallbearers were G. W. Gunning, Weston Hoar, Orville Leaman, Weldon Leaman, William Leaman and Kenneth Dunfield.  Many floral tributes, messages of sympathy and Gideon Memorial Bibles received by the family, testified to the high esteem in which she was held.
 Interment was made in Elmwood Vault, with Rev. Lawrence Bone, Assisted by Rev. Julian Green, Conducting the Committal service.

* Cynthia Smith b. 1816 d. 10 Dec 1866 Hopewell Parish, Albert Co, New Brunswick.  She was the daughter of Stephen Smith and Sarah Peck.  She had 7 children with Joshua.

<9> Captain Alonzo George Virgie was born May 1846 in Albert Co, New Brunswick and died 2 Jan 1922 in Curryville.  He married Sarah Rouse of Nova Scotia 20 Nov 1872 in Boston, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts.  They had four children and divorced at some point. Sarah lived in Massachusetts and Alonzo stayed at sea or in New Brunswick.
Children were James A (died as infant), Eva May, John Starr and Alonzo George Virgie (died as infant).  John Starr De Wolf Virgie drown in 1907 in Mobile, Alabama.  Daughter Eva married John King and lived in Massachusetts.  The Chipman Smith found on his will in 1922 and who he is living with in 1911 Albert Co is James Chipman Smith, son of William Smith and Elizabeth Ann Dawson.  William Smith was Alonzo's mother younger brother.

<10> Dorcus Almira Virgie b. 20 Nov 1849 in Hopewell, Albert Co, New Brunswick and died 13 Apr 1928 in Truro, Colchester Co, Nova Scotia.  She married Marshall Archibald of Truro on 16 Dec 1870 in Boston, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts.  They had 9 children, Florence, William, Dorcas, Carrie, Carl, Blair, Frederick, Alexander and Milne Archibald. Dorcas was named for her mothers sister Dorcus Almira Smith that died at age 18 in 1846.

<11> Alexander Wilford Virgie, know as Wilford born 1851 in Curryville, Albert Co, New Brunswick and died 24 Apr 1906 in Old Town, Penobscot Co, Maine.  He married Milchia Hawkes.  They are both buried in the Brownville Village Cemetery located in Brownville, Piscataquis Co, Maine.  They had 7 Children.  Mary E (died at age 3), Alonzo George, Carrie, Cynthia Jane, Norman H, Martha M and Archie Stewart Virgie.  This family has the only known male descendant still carrying the family name. 

Tombstone of Wilford A. Virgie

<12> Irena Elizabeth Virgie b. 1854 Albert Co, New Brunswick. No other information found.
<13> Eva Jane Virgie b. 1858, Albert Co, New Brunswick.  No other information found.
<14> Annie Virgie b. 1860, Albert Co, New Brunswick, No other information found.
<15> Alfred W. Virgie b. 1863 d. 15 Sep 1864 Curryville, Albert Co, New Brunswick, buried in the Curryville Cemetery.

I still do not know how William Hayward or his wife Jane are connect to the Virgie children.  My theory is that Jane was part of the Wright family as William only left items in his will to the Children of Lucinda Wright.

In the end the first information I found on the Virgie Family was incorrect.  It was Joshua, not John, Jane was never his wife, and Joshua had a total of 15 children with 3 wives but we all know that is how genealogy goes sometimes.

As with everything this family is a work in progress.  I hope by putting this together other descendants will contact me.  I have been in touch with several in Maine, Nova Scotia and Virginia.

Let me know if there is a family in my database you would like to see a blog on.  

Hope you have a wonderful day,


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hardest Part of Genealogy...or How to be a Dyslectic Genealogist...

What is the hardest part of genealogy for you?

For most people it would be the brickwalls or researching in another language. For me it is the way my brain works.  You would think someone with a form of dyslexia would never attempt something like Genealogy that deals with numbers and fact organizations.  If I didn't love it so much I probably would have given up by now.

When typing a date or even a name I check it 5 or more times to make sure it is right and sometimes it still comes out wrong.

I have gotten snippy notes tell me to correct a name or date and I just fix it all the while wondering why people just cant be nicer.  I rarely ever tell anyone I am dyslexic.  Why? One because it is none of their business and two its hard to explain.  I was not even diagnosis until I was in my early 20's.  I was tested for my eye site, my psychological  abilities, you name it and I was tested for it.  I was send to "special classes" where I played cribbage and poker with the teacher because they didn't know what to do with me. It was the 70's and things were allot different from the way they are now.  It is not just reading, numbers, adding or subtracting can be a nightmare too.   I was told I was lazy because I have a high I.Q. and was just not living up to my potential.

I work by memorization.  I had memorized 15 books as a small child and amazed everyone by age 3 or 4 that I could read them.  I couldn't, I was just storing it and repeating it back.  Reading was hard enough, reading out-loud was next to impossible.

I have found I have two 1st cousins, my son and a niece that all have the same thing at different levels.

I forced myself to learn to read, not the way I was taught in school, but my way.  I started with small romance novels, because, who cares if you cant read a few paragraphs it all turns out the same in the end.  I took a speed reading class.  You think that wouldn't help but it did.  It taught me how to skip unnecessary words and focus on the words I need to know what was going on.

Surprisingly, I can read old documents, maybe its because they look so scrambled to begin with.  I am now an avid reader.  I can finish a 400 page book in a couple of hours.  Does it always make sense?  No but I go back and re-read things several times and it will sink in at some point.

I try to be very careful when inputting data and pull reports all the time to be sure there are no errors showing in my database.  If I have something incorrect I want to hear from people, I love getting new info, and contacts with other researchers.  It is when I am hurried or trying to send an e-mail that I make biggest mistakes.  Again I try to catch things but my brain sees it as correct so I think it is. (make sense?).  So now that I have re-read this post for the 45th time (lol) I will finish up.

Please just remember when you are sending a note to a fellow researcher for a correction be nice.  Even if they are not dyslexic, everyone makes mistakes,  I have always told my kids the day I am perfect is the day I am dead ;-}

Digging our way out of the Blizzard of '13 in Maine,

On a side note:  Rootsweb is finally fix (!!!) and I uploaded a big update of the O'Donnell's of NB and some more on the Hovey's and their lines of descendants.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Whats going on this week...

The passed few weeks I have benn working on the Hovey's and connecting families in Northumberland Co, New Brunswick. 

I hope that will at some point fix their issues so I can update the One Big Circle site with all the great new information.  (3 1/2 weeks, 4 e-mails, no response)

I am a Hovey descendant but I descended from James Hovey b. 1650, brother of John, the ancestor of the group in New Brunswick. Our common ancestor would be Daniel Hovey, 1618 and Abigail Andrews, abt 1621.

Patrick O'Donnell b abt. 1797 in County Limerick, Ireland arrived in New Brunswick in August of 1820 per the 1851 Census record and was a Lumberman and Farmer. His wife Lydia Woods Susannah Price was born in abt. 1808 in Ludlow, New Brunswick, she was the daughter of Capt. John Price (a 3rd Price family) and Mary Hovey (a descendant of Edmund Price and Jane Webb).

Date July 1 1823
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper: The New Brunswick Royal Gazette

m. 26th inst., Patrick O'DONNELL / Lydia Woods eldest d/o Capt. John PRICE, all of Ludlow, North Co.

I have looked over the information available and found some issues with the death dates of the two people above. 

Census information found in 1871 shows wife Lydia, a widow, living with her children and no listing for Patrick could be found.  I believe that the death dates are either swapped or wrong.  

1851 New Brunswick, Canada Census
Patrick O'Donnell age 53                 abt 1798/99  
Lydia O'Donnell age 43                    abt 1708/09

1861 New Brunswick, Canada Census  
Patrick O'Donnell age   64               abt 1797  
Lydia O'Donnell age    54                 abt 1807

1871 New Brunswick, Canada Census
Lydia O'Donnell age     63                abt 1808   

If Lydia died in 1870 as grave shows at age 66, that would have her born in 1804 but if it is Patrick that died in 1870 his age 74 that would be 1796.  Lydia on the other hand if died 1880 at age 66 would have been born 1814.

Confused? So am I but that is what genealogy is all about.  

I am also looking for any descendants of Patrick O'donnell, Jr b 1834 and his wife Gracia Ann Lyons.  Mainly information on their daughters Leona and Charlotte.


Patrick and Lydia had 11 known children, all but one married and had children, creating a large O'Donnell line in New Brunswick.  Although I am almost done with the group I know I am missing some of the current families.  Feel free to contact me and add, correct or help with the above date issue.

Take Care,


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Little Orphan Annie...

When I was in my early 20's my paternal grandfather Otis N. LaBree asked me if I would look into his mothers family.  I had just started learning about genealogy and recording all the family information.  Otis was a very well known Policeman, Detective and later Sheriff in Maine.  When I was little he told me I loved the trill of the hunt for clues just like he did and encouraged me to go into law enforcement too.  Lets just say I have little patience with criminals and instead of chasing after someone I would opt to just shoot them...

All I know of Annie Marie Flynn, my great grandmother, came from Otis and his sister Valencia (Babe).  Annie died when I was a year old and I wish I had the opportunity to know her. She did not know her own birth date until she was in her 40's and then she didn't even know if it was right.  She remembered a family that lived in a tenement section of a large city and that she had a sister and several brothers.  Annie would run to the corner to meet her father, his name might have been Richard or maybe Thomas, returning from his job at a local mill and the day he didn't come back. She also remembered the day a horse draw carriage arrived and took her mother away.

Thomas her younger brother was taken away with her to an orphanage and maybe another brother. Her sister promised to get them out as soon as she could get a job but she didn't come for them before they were sent away.

I can imagine two scared little red headed children being place on a train with orphan children and sent to places all around the country.  Annie and Thomas Flynn were sent to Old Town, Maine and offered to the congregation of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, a French community church.  They were both taken in by families in the Old Town area as workers on their farms.  Both Children would have been under the age of 10 although there are no records of the dated they were sent.  Thomas was treated so badly the ran away after a short time with the family he was sent to live with. (see notes under Reunion).  Annie was also abused, she told the story of laying in a little bed in the attic room she had been given with a thin old quilt watching the snow as it fell through the holes in the roof.  The church took her back because of the conditions and gave her to a new family, the LaBree's of French Island, part of Old Town.

As you can picture a little red head, blue eyed Irish girl stood out in a totally French community.  She did not speak French in the beginning and records have been found where she had to be reconfirmed in the Catholic Church because of being Irish.

Working as a housekeeper for the large LaBree family she began to be amerced in the people and the language.  In true Love Story fashion she and one of the families son Elzear (Otis, Sr) fell in love and married just before she turned 18.


They had two children with in three years and were expecting a third when the influenza outbreak of 1918 struck them both.  At 8 months pregnant she was carried to the house next door where her husband was being cared for by his family to kiss him goodbye.  Otis N. LaBree, Sr died at age 24 on 2 Nov 1918, the last know influenza victim of the area.   A widow at 23, sick, with a baby on the way and two toddlers must have been overwhelming.  She never complained she made due with what she had, finding work where she could.

The matriarch of the LaBree family, Victoria Marcoux, had been against her son marrying Annie and while he was alive did not cause problems.  Once Otis, Sr was gone Annie lived with them but when the children were still small moved next door.  My grandfather once told me he remembered his grandmother Victoria lining rows of canned goods along a shelf across a window.  He could see it from his house next door and even though they had next to nothing she would never offer them a can.  She would make their Grandfather, Simeon, come out to yell at them if they were seen trying to take apples from a tree in the yard.

When my search for Annie started I knew I was looking for an Irish orphan and her brother Thomas.  I did know from family information the orphanage they were in was in Olneyville, Rhode Island and that it had burnt at one point.  Her fathers name was questionable and there was no records of her mothers name at all.

In 1992 genealogy was not done as it is today.  If there was a genealogy program I had not found it.  It was all done on paper with visits to libraries, archives, phone calls and letters.  After sending letters to every place I could find I finally got a response from the Olneyville Orphanage Assoc.  The answer, yes there had been a fire, no they didn't have the records that I needed but all the children had been sent through the Home for Destitute Children in Boston.  Twenty years ago the Catholic Church would not talk about their part in the distribution of orphan children and even after several phone calls and letters I got no where.  A letter to the research center at the Archives in Rhode Island was my first big break.  They kindly photo copied the Vital Records from 1890 to 1910 for Flynn.  I was so happy to get that package but in the end learned nothing from it because I did not have enough information to use anything I had been send and no one match my Annie.

Finally when all the records started to appear online I found a family in Providence, Rhode Island that matched closely.  The only thing that was off was that the three youngest children were born in Connecticut.  So I mailed a letter and received the birth records from Connecticut.  The first surprise was that Annie birth name was Bridget Ann Flynn daughter of Richard Flynn and Bridget Butler both born Ireland.  The second was that Annie's brother younger brother Thomas was actually older then she was.  This also confirmed the census record I found.

It still took fourteen years to confirm the information.   Now all this time later I know most of the story of my Flynn Family.

Richard Flynn, Sr b. Feb 1865 in most likely County Tipperary, Ireland and his wife Bridget Ann Butler b. May 1867 most likely Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland left Liverpool, England and arrived in New York in 1890 with sons Edward b. Sept 1887, Ireland and Richard, Jr b. 10 Jan 1889 Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ireland.  They lived in Connecticut where daughter Mary b. 12 jul 1892 in Yantic, New London Co, Connecticut, son Thomas b. Dec 1895 and Bridget "Annie" b 20 jun 1896 were born.

Another surprise was that Richard and Bridget were not dead when their children were taken away. I have found both of them in later records.  I now believe Bridget was taken to Worcester State Asylum in Worcester, Massachusetts.  It was both a place for the mentally ill and an Alma's House for the poor.  Because here children were not with her I assume it was an illness either mental or physical.


As I tracked each child and family it because an obsession to put this lost family back together.  I first found descendants of Thomas, Jr's family.  He had runaway and ended up in Lewiston, Maine working in a Mill.  There he married a woman of German ancestry named Rose Benedix and had one child that died as an infant in Maine.  They moved to Lowell, Massachusetts where they had one son and two daughters, Thomas, Jr, Alberta and Mildred.  Annie and her son Otis did find Thomas in 1935 and drove to meet him once and in turn a few years later he visited them.  After that they lost contact again.  We have e-mailed several times and were a great help with piecing Thomas' family together.

Next I located daughter Mary's descendants, she married an Albert Ratcliffe and had two daughters, Eva and Edith.  She died young on 10 may 1932 in Holyoke, Massachusetts.

Last year I found Richard, Jr and his wife Anna Coffin's grandchildren. Of all the people I have found I was most excited about this group.  After phone calls and e-mails we figured out the family spent their early years in Massachusetts and after their fathers early death their mother Grace Flynn, only child of Richard, had moved them just 20 minutes from where I live in Maine.  They were only a half an hour from an Aunt and cousins for years and nether family knew it.  It was because of Grace's obituary in my local paper that I found this family.  We now keep in touch by facebook.  On a side note Richard Flynn was also sent to an orphanage and was never sent away with his siblings because he ran away.  It made all of the Flynn children move away from religion and specifically the Catholic Church.

I now have located everyone but the oldest Edward.  He has never been found beyond the 1900 Rhode Island Census.   As more records become available I might just complete the circle and bring us all back together.

So now I am searching the records of County Tipperary, Ireland and hoping I can find just one more generation on this family.  Maybe by putting this story out there another Flynn will find me!

Hope you find your family too,
