Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Facebook for New Brunswick Genealogy

Looking for more ways to connect with family or the region your ancestors lived in?  There are also many family groups.  Type in your ancestors name and see what you find.

New Brunswick Genealogy pages on Facebook

Bathurst Genealogy (Northumberland) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/21078059944/
Waterford Parish (Kings Co) -https://www.facebook.com/groups/38039824652/
Related -
Adopted in New Brunswick (for children or birth parents) - 
Includes NB -
Atlantic Canada - https://www.facebook.com/groups/atlcangen/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/388242124667000/

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Civil War State Pension for Mainers

Did you know some Civil War Soldiers were eligible for both Federal and State Pensions for their service.

Maine is one of those states, so if you are researching your ancestor be sure to look for both.

 See below from the Law that put the pensions into effect.  This book can be found on Google Books for free.

The Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed September 29, 1916, and Taking Effect 

 January 1, 1917

Page 1636
"The State Pension Law.
Sec. I. Pensions to soldiers and sailors. R. S. c. 145, § I. 1913, c. 17. Any person who has served by enlistment in the army or navy of the United States in the war of eighteen hundred and sixty-one, on the quota of Maine, and any person not on the quota of Maine, who has served in the army or navy of the United States in said war, and who was a resident of this state at date of enlistment, and at time of making application for pension shall have been a resident of the state at least five years; also any person who has served by enlistment in the army or navy of the United States in the war with Spain, on the quota of Maine, and any person whether on or not on the quota of Maine, who has served in the army or navy of the United States in the war with Spain or the Philippine Insurrection at any time prior to the fourth day of July, nineteen hundred and two, and who was a resident of this state at date of enlistment, and at time of making application for pension shall have been a resident of the state at least five years, and who has been disabled by disease, wounds or other injuries contracted or received in said service, and who is unable from his own resources and the United States pension to obtain a livelihood for himself and those dependent upon him, shall be entitled to a pension from the state, not exceeding eight dollars a month, provided, he has been honorably discharged from said service. No such pension shall be paid by this state to persons residing in other states.
92 Me. 443"